The cosmos says: „Significant things“ The world before the Big Bang…..Yes

Wolfgang Korsus Dipl.-Ing. NT , Astrophysiker

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Part 1


The clergy stick to their biased statement: „In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.“ Genesis also states that there was no time before the Big Bang and therefore no beginning. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. Although he is said to be omnipotent, he did not accomplish the work in one fell swoop….. must have become tired and weak, the super old man, so creation was probably spread over six days. Light is said to have appeared on the first day and land and water on the second, a clear separation only took place on the third, and so on. This is why theologians in earlier times and still today like to speak of a six-day work, the hexaemeron. Why did creation take so long and why did it go through different stages?

To these first lines I simply say that this is man-made nonsense, because it would be too easy to attribute it to a totally humanized God who just got tired in the evening – since he had just created evening and morning – or who simply needed more time to plan the rest. Perhaps it seems more natural in human thinking that something as expansive and diverse as our world today could not have come into being abruptly, but that even God himself only allowed it to emerge „in the course of time“ from something simpler. You who are still believers and completely stupefied continue to think this way and, above all, think what you want!

Let’s go on thinking…… mankind did it and still does it today. Why does it do that? I’ll say it now: it’s mostly the inherited stupidity of the previous generation, then there’s the fear of death that can’t be explained away and the weak or even non-existent scientific thinking that leads to it. Man is only a living being, living beings have a limited time of existence, don’t they?

I’ll go on, what would have been missing if the world had come into being in one fell swoop is time: the world would have been timeless. Only the successive phases of „creation“ introduce the concept of time, a sequence of events and intervals and thus a scale; the progression of events also results in a direction of time. And the first event in this chain now defines the beginning. Space appears in a very similar way. It is the separation of heaven and earth, of light and dark, of land and water; they define a space in which certain things are here, others there, these above and those below. The stage for the coming spectacle, the space, also had to be created first. In today’s way of thinking, the opening sentence of the Bible could therefore well read: „In the beginning, God created time and space.“ …….and this is how religion and believers think.

These ideas lead quite naturally to a typically human question as to what was „before“, how and from what space and time came into being. As we know, today’s cosmology assumes a „big bang“ as the beginning of our universe.

Please, dear readers, don’t take offense, but when I hear a bang, in most cases I tend to think of an end. For a long time, however, questions about the state of the world before the Big Bang and what caused it were declared inadmissible. That sounds like faith and religion, such a question simply cannot be forbidden. I know that my CPU would then go on strike………………

The well-known English astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said some time ago that it was like asking what was north of the North Pole. I am pleased to note that in the last thirty years, however, there has been a change in our conception of a new, differently conceivable, albeit unprovable, beginning. This beginning and this creation of the universe makes sense, at least hypothetically, and today there is a framework, albeit speculative in many respects and by no means accepted by all scientists, in which the creation of our universe can be discussed in general terms.

Dear reader, take a relaxed look at the misconceptions that mankind has already had regarding a world view. The first cranks, i.e. humans, saw this flyspeck planet „Earth“ as the center. A truly „papal“ image.

…..or should I rather say „divinely“ shaped.

But let’s not shy away from looking at the next wrong step taken by humans: the sun now took first place. The next approach therefore followed: the earth was only one of the planets orbiting the sun. It then turned out that the sun, for its part, is only one of millions of stars that make up our galaxy, the Milky Way. And there are in turn many millions of similar galaxies that are moving further and further away from us as a result of the observed expansion of space. The result can be described as follows – step by step, our world actually became a smaller and smaller part of an ever-expanding universe. The research and unique way of thinking of the researchers came to the result just described. The vast majority of humanity, however, continued to chase after their „god“. It was easier, after all, because everything had been demonstrated by „princes of faith“ who had already died and were still alive.

Now I am on the subject of the Big Bang. It defined the beginning of our universe and thus also created the idea that this is „everything“ that exists: the universe.

But just as Giordano Bruno could imagine an endless succession of solar systems four hundred years ago, cosmologists today can imagine an infinite number of universes, universes like ours or even others, perhaps with different laws of nature! How, when and from what could they have arisen and continue to arise? The world before our time, I say, is the primordial world. It is still a world without time in our sense, because a sequence of events, as we know, requires a sequence of different events, because they allow us to speak of „before“ and „after“.

Now it is time to explain the term ‚primeval world‘, because this will make the following reading easier to understand.

The primordial world must be and is a world without beginning and end, in it there is no before and after, it is without earlier and later, without here and there, without above and below, without form and structure, without big and small. Our universe emerged from that primordial world as a purely random fluctuation, like a bubble in hot lava, but then of course with our space and our time. It cannot be ruled out that many other bubbles and thus many other universes were created. This topic does not make it easy to form a picture of such a primordial world. I try to make it a little easier by starting with a draft and then correcting it again and again to finally understand the whole thing.

Please don’t be alarmed by this way of beginning because it is a soberingly simple approach.



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