Wolfgang Korsus Dipl.-Ing. NT, Astrophysiker
Klingenberg 40
25451 Quickborn
Email: wkorsusf@gmx.de
iPhone: 01625680456
FN: 04106 69295
Website: Wolfgang.korsus.net
Two extraordinary innovations cause an astonished stir….
…it begins, or rather takes place, in the second half of the 20th century and for the first time makes it abundantly clear to everyone:
This is what the Club of Rome said and denounced in 1972.
The Club of Rome is an association of experts from various disciplines from more than 30 countries and was founded in 1968. The non-profit organization is committed to a sustainable future for humanity. With the report „The Limits to Growth“, which was financed by the Volkswagen Foundation to the tune of DM 1 million at the suggestion of Eduart Pestel and published in 1972, the Club of Rome entered the global discourse. This is because it is a methodically structured treatise on a specific [scientific] topic. Since then, it has been committed to sustainable development and the protection of ecosystems. In 2008, the organization’s headquarters were moved from Hamburg to Winterthur in Switzerland.
Those responsible for politics more or less swept what was said under the carpet. Of course, „politics“ refers to the rulers and rulers of all countries on the planet. They just didn’t listen properly and I suspect that those responsible for the topic written there didn’t read it and didn’t understand it either!!!… or wanted to understand it better.
When this group of scientists published their theses in „The Limits to Growth“, it was initially taken note of. I think it took far too long for the explosiveness to crystallize worldwide.
Even a bag of mockery was often emptied: „)they were completely wrong back then. None of the doomsday scenarios from back then came true. Because look, we’re still here and the world hasn’t come to an end. No more limits to growth. We have more people than ever before, more people are in work, more are living in prosperity and some are even filthy rich. The world is a much better place today than it was in 1972. yes…yes…yes…blah…blah…blah
Stop, as a scientist I don’t see it that way. All systems that are limited are also limited in their growth. No, there is no such thing as „infinite“ growth. The only thing that actually seems to keep on growing is the universe !!!…and humanity!
And even there we cannot be sure. Everything else in the universe is just changing, stars are born and die. Even entire galaxies drift apart and disappear into cold black space. Attention, even planets do not circle and rotate forever. My comment on this:
„In cosmology, for example, there is nothing at all that grows forever“,
Attention again, we have this stupid law of conservation of energy to thank for that! ,,,,and „it“ is such an invention of physics. It’s cheeky to claim that there is a quantity that simply does not grow at will. I say: energy. The universe contains energy. It can be transformed, E = mc², but it cannot grow.
Since 1972, ……(3.8 billion people are on earth) since the Club of Rome’s message about the limits to growth, we (8.3 billion) are still growing. The end of this growth is simply the end of humanity ‼…, I’m not only sure of that, I predict it !!!
However, a few people have learned something from this report. Germany, for example, is on the way to a future that wants to make do with renewable energy sources. So with WIND and SUN, BIO and hydropower.
In contrast to many other countries, which continue to rely on non-renewable energy sources, nuclear power or the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, and for „growth“ other raw materials such as iron ore, bauxite for aluminum processing, sand, rare earths, wood and stone are of course necessary in addition to energy. For our affluent and high-tech products, „quite a lot“ comes together. The industrial nations of the „First World“, as well as China and India, are stripping other raw material countries to the planetary bone.
‼ But nobody wants to hear that. I say: unfortunately, the „unteachable“ are not yet dying out ‼
To avoid boredom, let’s take a closer look at the last 50 years.
50 years, a large or small period of time, no matter how time passes for the individual. A large number of developments, what is it about them? They make the dominant presence of humans on earth clearly visible. Since the 1990s, scientists and the public have been talking about the Anthropocene and „I know, it is an age of the earth that is increasingly being shaped and mutilated by Homo sapiens.
The „standardization years“ were a real milestone. In 1965, containers were set to a „standard size“ ….. worldwide. This meant that these huge transport crates could be moved seamlessly on land and also on water. In the air, they are logically and naturally used one size smaller. It is clear that the greatest container density today is achieved on the world’s oceans. Around 90 percent of the global trade volume is transported by ship. My comment on this:
Try calculating the co ² contribution of this, nature will certainly be very pleased ⁉
The whole thing is only happening because we have these damn standardized (building block) containers. Because they can of course be stacked on ever larger freighters. The standard model of the container age stands there like an eighth wonder of the world.
They are „only“ standard dimensions that facilitate transportation by land, air and water. It is foreseeable that the whole world will continue to agree on standards, as I have often hoped, but the „small“ standard dimensions have waited forever until they were also thought of!!!
So we have been waiting for something abstract that is independent of the traditions and cultures of individual countries or entire continents. Let’s just say they wanted something that – and here I’m back to my favorite topic – was interchangeable ‼
In other words, in trade, in the economy and in technology, as much as possible should be compatible, identical and quick to replace. I can imagine if we had the same sockets everywhere and the same electrical voltage everywhere….that would be better. One hundred percent would be best if everything were available everywhere at the same time and immediately.
Something’s knocking……or ? Can you see what? It has the name „Internet“.
Let’s be more precise, it was introduced in 1993.
In the seventies and eighties of the 20th century, a „political“ change gradually takes place, which then leads to the dissolution of the East-West conflict in 1989 and 1990. The authorities portrayed a war without weapons in a very harmless way, just „cold“ ….. sounds more harmless. However, this really fires up globalization, I prefer to call it hot …. globalization rather than digitalized, economized globalization. Even as a technological revolution for everyone on planet Earth who somehow has a surplus of money to use the technologies. Simply put, digitization is the technical basis of the computer. Computers contain very fast electronic circuits and these are becoming ever smaller and ever more powerful.
MINIATURIZATION and DIGITALIZATION in globalization leads to a never-ending connection and networking of this planet Earth; and at the speed of light. The number of market participants has doubled rapidly and this is happening almost instantaneously.
In other words, there are billions of new consumers and producers and they in turn are starting to produce and consume…. come hell or high water….The wheel keeps turning, because this in turn leads to the consumption of fossil resources on a massive scale. Because all countries, the industrialized nations, the so-called emerging countries and also those who want to become industrialized at some point, naturally need energy to produce something, well what?……!!!
Now, the law of conservation of energy comes into play again, because the energy has to come from somewhere. After a moment’s thought, I say that all the countries listed above are making the same mistakes as the countries of Europe and North America. They supply themselves with the cheapest source of energy they can get hold of, so coal, oil and gas come into play again. But of course this is heating up the atmosphere to a threatening level and this is inevitably fuelling climate change, which was previously caused by the industrialized nations of Europe and North America alone.
China, India, Brazil and Russia in particular are now also busily involved.‼ But it should be clear to anyone with common sense that things cannot go on like this, under no circumstances ‼ Because humanity is currently taking as much carbon out of the ground in one year as the earth has put in in a million years.
This acceleration is frightening and unbelievable ‼ The whole thing is being driven forward by the fact that we are dealing with an electronic networking of the world that is no longer satisfied solely with the help of cables or large wires, no, it is now virtual, I say; WLAN. Wireless. Electromagnetic waves connect us with every place on earth. There are plenty of places: just think of the 8.3 billion ⁉
So digitalization enables fast communication, further…fast communication enables fast action-and in the broadest sense worldwide. One click and I’m „somewhere else“. It is used a little less politically, more economically. I warn you not to believe everything…. be careful what the human species lets out, ……. because originally they, the human species, which originally colonized the entire planet from East Africa, created their own planet.
On this planet, they trade in the most important commodity of the 21st century, information. Today, it is being used more and more dishonestly and criminally by political parties, mostly by brainless rulers, non-democratic or semi-democratic rulers!
Data is therefore becoming more and more important. You can believe it or not. It is not just a virtual creature. Our data can of course also be stored in the cloud if you want to.
Question: Isn’t anyone stealing it? ….. I don’t know! …I’ve read that they are only stored there…and of course physically.
Although they are only digital signals in the sense of 1 and 0. But for this we need computers that have to provide ever greater services that are difficult to imagine. In my opinion, we have long since arrived in a world that has strange characteristics. Yes, simply put, „the Anthropocene as a phenomenon“!
Man’s access to our planet has also been accelerated by the fact that we are not only physically using the highest effect transport speed and now have so much know-how in the structure of matter that we can also manipulate matter at will, but that we are entering a whole new level of „world management“ with information.
No, we no longer hold anything concrete in our hands. We are actually only losing our dexterity, this so-called „manual“ skill. In my opinion, we literally no longer understand this world. We’re only dealing with anonymous, unknown institutions that are somewhere on the big Internet, and they do something or don’t do something. They ask us to go from A to B and thus keep us, and even more so, the whole of humanity, in constant motion. This extremely restless, digitalized economy demands that we behave economically, i.e. that we „consume“ heavily. I assume that without this strengthening, the entire growth model of the domestic and global market would be in grave danger. The Anthropocene has now arrived at a point where more and more people are realizing what it is all about. Namely,
We are literally steering our spaceship, the planet, into the wall. Please, dear readers, take a look at these written lines :
…The limits to growth…
Report of the Club of Rome on the state of humanity, Munich 1972