The cosmos says: „Significant things“ The world before the Big Bang…..Yes ! Part 3

Wolfgang Korsus

Dipl.Ing. NT ,  Astrophysiker

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Part 3


There is certainly a solution to this riddle too. The solution to this puzzle lies in the theory of relativity, because there it says in the description of gravity through spatial deformation, as is the case in the general theory of relativity. I can already see a simple example of this with the ball on the mountain. The kinetic energy of the ball at the top of the mountain is of course zero, but at the bottom it is clearly different from zero. But where does the resulting energy come from? Easy to explain, yes, the hill-and-valley structure creates a difference in the gravitational field between the top and bottom, and this provides > the additional kinetic energy as a difference in the „potential energy“.

If you, dear reader, continue with the following text, then try to remember the third of these explanations. („False normal state“)

Then you will realize that the descriptions are similar (overheated water)

So let’s continue………

Energy and space are also linked in the cosmic world, similarly: The increase in space energy due to expansion is simply paid for with an increased deformation of space. To this I say: it couldn’t be simpler and „cheaper“. The greater the effective mass becomes, the greater the negative potential energy of the gravity generated by it. However, the balance remains constant. This is the only way our universe could have been created „free of charge“ from the primordial world. What we got in terms of mass was paid for by the curvature of space and the resulting negative potential energy. I may point out that the current density of space energy in our universe is, as I said, extraordinarily low; its corresponding mass value in a volume as large as that of the Earth is only about one thousandth of a gram.

In areas that I call stellar, this naturally has no noticeable gravitational effect and no effect on other physical processes;

This is why our planetary system and even our Milky Way remain unchanged. Only at cosmically large distances (astronomers also speak of „intergalactic“ distances) does a remarkable effect occur. As the density is constant across the entire universe, the sheer amount of space energy alone creates a repulsion. In our solar system, the total amount is not particularly small. But in the entire observable universe, however, it certainly makes up three quarters of the total energy today, and because of the expansion, its proportion is constantly increasing.

According to today’s cosmology, the space energy in our universe immediately after the Big Bang now plays the role of „water vapor“ in the escaped bubble. Doesn’t that sound familiar to you? Before the bubble could escape, it contained a superheated primordial medium with an immensely higher density. And this in turn produced an immensely stronger spatial expansion than the present one; the expansion rate of the primordial world was (and is) incredibly much greater than that of our current universe. The primordial world medium corresponds to superheated water, i.e. it is in the wrong normal state! Every small local disturbance has created a bubble in which a transition to the true normal state takes place. The high density of space energy initially creates the dramatic expansion of the primordial world for this bubble, until the false normal state has transitioned to the true normal state and the space energy has dropped from its primordial world value to the value observed in our universe today; from this point onwards, the spatial expansion is correspondingly much smaller. The energy difference between the false high primordial world density and today’s much lower density is released in the transition and ultimately creates all the matter that fills our universe today. The >>big bang>> is thus classified as a totally <<normal>> physical process in a certain sense, but for us it is the beginning of what we see as time and space.  The origin of our universe just outlined is therefore to be seen as a bubble of a primordial universe, as already indicated, a completely new „young“ world view, I say only thirty years old; the American physicist Alan Guth and the Russian-American physicist Andrei Linde have contributed significantly to this and I agree with the contribution of my colleagues with one hundred percent conviction.

Alan Guth

Andrei Linde

I know that now is the right time to point out how to express what has been said before in a simpler and more condensed way.

Come on then: What are 30 years!

Until then, our universe had been seen, I say, as final, not as part of something „bigger“. …… My opinion: a very simple attitude and poorly thought out. So the question „What was before the Big Bang?“ was hardly comprehensible, not even allowed. However, on the basis of various observations – I will come back to this later – the conclusion was reached that this universe went through a phase of extremely rapid expansion, a so-called „inflation“, very shortly after the Big Bang. The attempts to justify this „inflation“ then finally led to the new primordial world picture I mentioned, which has further inevitable consequences that necessarily or possibly result from this situation or action. This is called „consequence“ and can also be used to describe the single-mindedness of people who have carried out their actions as planned. Our universe was thus created from a bubble in the primordial world; however, this continues to exist and expand, so that new bubbles are constantly being created, which are then called further, other universes. The primordial world is therefore a multiverse in which new universes are constantly and eternally forming. Our universe is just one of these countless worlds. For the sake of simplicity, I have depicted the universes symmetrically in the following picture; in reality, however, they will be as irregular as you like.


Here there are two universes – they arise in the multiverse. But it must be said :

Since the other universes remain forever beyond our reach, we will never know whether the same laws of nature apply in them as in ours or whether there is also intelligent life there. For us, they are irrevocably and eternally beyond any possibility of exploration. Many scientists consider the idea of a multiverse to be more metaphysics than physics

A brief explanation on my part: metaphysics, also called „first philosophy“, deals with „being as being“ (called ontology)

I can take nothing but nothing at all from the latter and I think it

a unique, sole universe also leads to problems such as inflation, which hardly seem comprehensible within the framework of conventional physics and require further explanation. Because our own universe is, as far as we can judge, uniform in the largest cosmic dimensions (the aforementioned „intergalactic“ ones), i.e. homogeneous and isotropic; this is usually referred to as the cosmological principle.

Of course, this only applies on average over huge regions; from our solar system to the Milky Way, the world is certainly not uniform. But it will be if I look at sufficiently large, cosmic regions. These, that is certain, then no longer differ from each other. The universe is therefore uniform on average, i.e. in virtually every direction and in every area of space.

What follows now, and this must follow, is the consideration of time. I say, a blatant contradiction, the above does not apply at all to time:

Our universe has changed constantly and dramatically since the „Big Bang“, this has also been researched using a lot of shed sweat and thus proven. There is a time direction, an arrow of events, and this leads from an extremely „hot gas to a cosmos of galaxies“.

I will come back to this in detail in a later article. If we look at the multiverse, things look different here. Here too, different, sufficiently large spatial areas cannot be distinguished from one another. But they are anything but uniform.

Dear reader, I’m sure you already know this, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. That’s why I say:

In the false normal state of the primordial world, further expanding bubbles of the true normal state are created everywhere; these are the future universes. But it is certain that while the primordial world itself continues to expand dramatically. So I liken the multiverse a bit to an expanding superheated soup from which bubbles are constantly escaping. However, this state does not change over time, so that space and time now appear to be „equivalent“: The bubbles of the coming universes appear here and there, bigger and smaller, earlier and later. And due to the constant expansion, the superheated primordial medium itself also continues to exist, it even becomes more. Today, a medium with such spatial and temporal irregularities is called „fractal“. The French mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot coined this term to describe complex structures that are created from themselves in ever-repeating forms; this phenomenon or rather concept is also called self-similar. In mathematics, such forms are only dealt with in space, but in the case of the multiverse they appear both in space and in time. It can be assumed that there are larger and smaller bubbles, which sometimes appear earlier, sometimes later. My illustration shows one such shape; it is the triangle named after its inventor, the Polish mathematician Wacƚaw Sierpiński, and is made up of both positive (white) and negative (black) repeating triangles of different sizes.



The Sierpinski triangle

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