New….The Blog is new|||| Humanity will „abolish itself“ in the next 380 years….for sure

Wolfgangfnf Korsus8g

Dipl.Ing. NT ,  Astrophysiker

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The 20th century begins with depersonalized technology that focuses on individuals. I start with my highly esteemed „friends“ and colleagues in science → → → →

It is fair to say that the 19th century was the age of electricity. For example, the dynamo, the „thing“ was the machine that converted kinetic energy into electrical energy. Not only did it light up the world, it also made it possible to transport electrical signals very quickly from one place to another far away. This super-fast communication will be the new abracadabra, it will change the world beyond imagination. Whether for the better or not? I think you readers already know that quite well. In the 19th century, people had no idea that they had already slowly reached  the edge of recognizable reality, i.e. the highest speed of action transport, which of course  in the entire universe.
Today we live very comfortably ??? with the consequences of the resulting developments and discoveries. These already determine our everyday lives to such an extent that we no longer even notice them. I often ask „ordinary“ people about the speed of light and the answers make me shudder.

Dear reader, do you still think about what happens when you turn on the light switch? At most, you’re surprised when the light doesn’t come on. Or if the desired program doesn’t appear on the screen when you zap with your remote control. You check whether the battery is flat or other components are faulty. We have become accustomed to electric current flowing and electromagnetic waves doing what we expect them to do.

The year 1900 was a successful year for mankind. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was a German physicist in the field of theoretical physics. He is considered the founder of quantum physics. For the discovery of a constant in a basic physical equation, Planck’s quantum of action, which was later named after him, he was awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics in 1919 ]. His calculations proved that the emission of energy through electromagnetic radiation must always take place in quantized form, i.e. in packet form. Always ! There is no exception. He showed that there is a relationship between energy and frequency, and E = h x f. Where f stands for the frequency and h for the quantum of action introduced by Planck. He established that the distribution of a body’s electromagnetic radiation depends on its temperature. This was the starting point for Max Planck’s considerations. He introduced a minimum effect that could not be undercut. Everything in the universe will take place with at least this effect. This is the „granularity“ of the world, so to speak. Planck’s hypothesis will later lead to an understanding of why atoms emit light in the form of emission lines. This will lead to further insights into the structure of an atom: electrons move around an atomic nucleus. Gradually, we will understand how matter is structured
and how it can be manipulated. People have always done this first „manipulate“!!!!

Incidentally, this is the basis on which we humans will begin to develop weapons whose destructive power exceeds anything we can imagine – the atomic bomb. ‼ ‼ ‼

Five years later, Albert Einstein ……[ * March 14, 1879 in Ulm; † April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey, was a theoretical physicist. He is considered one of the most important physicists in the history of science and one of the best-known scientists of modern times worldwide. His research into the structure of matter, space and time, as well as the nature of gravity, significantly changed the previous Newtonian world view.
In 1999, Albert Einstein was voted the most important physicist of all time ahead of Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in a survey of leading physicists conducted by Physics World magazine…I clap my hands…

Albert Einstein presents the special theory of relativity and postulates that the speed of light is a constant independent of the reference system. And that it is the highest speed of action transport that exists in the universe. Planck and Einstein show the limits of recognizable reality and, without explicitly mentioning it, also the limits of technological possibilities.
‼ Faster than light? Not possible! Smaller than Plank’s quantum of action, not possible. ‼

Here is a brief explanation of the basic concepts of physics… .Dear readers, please take a look around. What will we find there? The speed of light, electricity, electrical energy and where does it all come from? ? I say: A considerable part of modern technology has to do with the theory of matter and its interaction with electromagnetic radiation, i.e. quantum mechanics. It can be seen in nuclear power plants, as well as in solar energy and photovoltaics. Quantum mechanics allows us to do something very specific, both to penetrate into the depths of matter and to manipulate it. It therefore enables us to do things that seem „superhuman“ and are, to say the least, „inhuman“.
Simply put, the speed of light is completely inconceivable to us. This also applies to Planck’s „quantum of action“, because it is the smallest unit of action. Well, somehow unimaginable? Nevertheless, the formulas E = mc ² of the special theory of relativity and Planck’s E = h x f will form the basis for everything that is of technological importance from now on in the 20th century.
The complete penetration into the nature of things is of outstanding importance in the „Anthropocene“. Technological developments then inevitably, rather naturally, give rise to the need for raw materials and energy, and these should be as cheap as possible so that the economic requirements, i.e. the expected returns, can be fully met.

So „1900“ is when things really get going in Europe and the United States. It is worth noting that these countries are massively changing the globe. I am sure that if another culture had invented these technologies, something „different“ would have emerged. We Europeans and North Americans – most of whom also came from the old continent – have a „common“ idea of technology, I say…….. certain kind of „inherent“ philosophy. The „believers“ would say:

This is the mindset of the biblical mandate, namely, „Subdue the earth“, which precisely led to the exploitation of the earth, especially through the ever-advancing “ industrialization“ , with all its free treasures. Today, we are therefore the successors of those who began to plunder the world with a totally reckless pioneering spirit and are continuing their work with the greatest possible speed and proportionality.

This wild ride actually began in 1900. A few years later, around 1911, „Ernest Rutherford“ discovered atomic nuclei. Almost at the same time, it was discovered that there were not only positive particles in them, but also electrically neutral ones. The „protons and neutrons“ are discovered. We delve deeper and deeper into this diverse matter. We now also understand why molecules form.
Chemistry is developing into a completely new science based on the findings of atomic physics. And not just on the inorganic side, but above all on the organic side.

I am of course happy to mention that in 1953 the biologists Francis Crick


and James Watson

deciphered the structure of our „genetic material“.
In the further course of time, biotechnology emerges with completely new possibilities.

Quickly back to physics. After the First World War, „technology“ literally blossoms.
– Assembly line production is introduced.
– Automation takes hold.
– Machines, cars and things are produced automatically according to specific command structures.

All personality is lost when you consider the entry into the matter. By that I mean the level where there are only atoms and electrons. Also any individuality! Look here, an example ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ An atom from an earthly carrion beetle is in no way different from any atom or electron in the Andromeda Nebula, which is 2.5 million light years away from us. There is therefore no longer any distinguishability. Particles can be interchanged at will. They have no individual capabilities of their own apart from any quantum numbers, and these are completely abstract. It therefore makes sense that this total depersonalization of nature is what makes technology possible. And it no longer has anything to do with people. Nothing at all.

Let me put it the other way round, in the opposite direction. It wasn’t long ago, a few years at most, that we could still do something with the things around us. One of the best examples is still the automobile. Remember a car from 1915 or 1920, with an impressive collection of functional parts under the hood, not unlike a huge steam engine. This could be described as completely „clear and vivid. Mechanical technology was simply transparent. Perhaps there was one or two electrical devices like an igniter! Because it started the thing and the fuel mixture ignited. Let’s take a look at a Bentley from 1953. Everything is still purely mechanical, have you experienced that?

However, technology became more and more opaque. It is simply the result of „miniaturization“. A few words about electronics :
The miniaturization of electronic components and industrial sensors.

There are several interrelated reasons for the trend towards ever smaller electronic components. On the one hand, manufacturers of end products are under pressure to miniaturize their products while increasing their performance and functionality. On the other hand, component manufacturers also have to constantly innovate their technologies so that the components fit into the smaller end products

The more we understood about the relationships between the structure of matter, the easier it became to „miniaturize“ technical systems. Tube technology in the first half of the 20th century showed us and developed really large radio or television sets. Only sufficient cooling was constantly necessary in working condition so that the tubes did not heat up fatally and die. A little later, it was discovered that there was a special type of material. These were the so-called semiconductors, sometimes conductive and sometimes not. This opened up the possibility of deciding between 1 and 0.

‼ 1 and 0 ! ‼

Surely this is how digitization came into being, that’s just what happened. The digitalization of our world is breaking new ground. In addition, certain materials can be doped. Positive or negative. They switch back and forth damn fast. Circuits are now shrinking to nanometers. The discovery was not that long ago. Or think of the laser: Light Amplification by stimulated Emission of Radiation. A madness….simply very good!
The discovery of the laser was only possible due to the following assumption:
There are actually energetic transitions in an atom, because there are forbidden zones for electrons !……… in other words:

Atoms are capable of emitting light – for example, whenever they have been supplied with additional energy by collisions or light. This is because particles always release the surplus: for example, by getting rid of the energy in the form of a light wave…….OK ?

So another „dust particle“ explanation: I’ll take the famous Bohr atomic model, which we all know is wrong!
It gives us an impression of how an electron is brought from its energetically low state to a higher one by the absorption of a photon, i.e. an electromagnetic quantum. „The electron now has a higher energy state“ If it wants to go down again, it has to release exactly the energy it has absorbed.

‼ One is the emission of photons, the other is absorption. ‼

Einstein, a scientist of superlatives. He always published what future generations needed. I write: After Einstein published the special theory of relativity in 1905, he also explained the photoelectric effect and his scientific world was astonished. By the way, his thinking became loud, because he assumed that not only the emission of light was quantized, but also its reception. It is worth mentioning that Planck only quantized the emission.
Since it had been understood how light interacts with matter, completely different possibilities arose, such as the laser, semiconductor technology, which was a perfect fit for many……I say quietly and firmly, not particularly pleased: in 1938 it was shown that it was even possible to split atomic nuclei. And that was the end of the line, or rather the end of the road:

‼ Pandora’s box had been opened. The digestion is still taking place today………………‼

All that remains for me is to hope….that some „political idiot“ doesn’t start or end another war! …but the smaller idiots keep on going. Think about it, you know the idiots. The other day the not well educated and soon to be in office „Trump“ said he would take „Greenland“, the „Panama Canal“ and „Canada“ if necessary even by force!

„The splitting of the atomic nucleus – like Otto Hahn,

Fritz Strassmann

  1. LuiseMeitner


then explained – meant that even first-semester physics students knew for sure: this will be a bomb, an „atomic bomb“ with unbelievable destructive power“….. and terrible human suffering for a long time.
I continue very disillusioned…. so through the discovery of quantum mechanics, we can not only change matter at will, study the interaction of matter and light in detail and implement it technologically, no, we have even acquired the ability to completely eradicate humanity from the surface of the planet „Earth“. You just have to shout it out every day:::::::….then the fear comes automatically….

⏱ Overkill lurks in the silos of continental missiles ⏱

The development of the hydrogen bomb, by the way, was then really just a side note. This even more powerful weapon uses the fusion of small atomic nuclei to form larger ones, as the stars have been doing for a long, I mean……ewig time with their nuclear fusion.
In the early 1950s, gigantic destructive potentials were first made available both in the Soviet Union and in the USA. Today, every „small rogue state“ is already doing this. I will refrain from listing them!!!

This shows the tragedy of our human curiosity and imagination: we discover things that are often great and use them to develop technologies that can lead to the greatest disasters. We do this because we „unquestioningly“ do everything that seems possible. The developments that took place in the 20th century are certainly rational and understandable in themselves, but in combination they are often disastrous and „insane“
[ my created word]
Good or !

This applies above all to planet Earth and therefore to our very own habitat. We have developed technologies that are more efficient, faster and smaller. This allows us to step out of the world of things and transform many things into electromagnetic signals.

If I were mentally handicapped and therefore a believer, I would perhaps say:

……My God, what have we done? …… he can’t answer because he doesn’t exist

I dedicate myself briefly to those who only pressed a button back then, but had to think forever about what they had seen!
The bombing of Hiroshima

August 1, 1945, 2:45 a.m. Under the command of Colonel Tibbets, the Enola Gay took off from Tinian Island in the Pacific. No one could have guessed [yet, everyone] what would really happen six hours after the Enola Gay took off over Hiroshima at 8.16 am. It took 43 seconds from the release of the bomb to the explosion over Hiroshima. Georg Caron, rear gunner of the Enola Gay: „First came the bright flash of the explosion. Then a blinding brightness, then the mushroom cloud. Over the city it looked like a seething sea of boiling pitch. Those poor bastards down there, we must have killed them all.“ Colonel Tibbets, pilot of the Enola Gay: „The city was hidden under this horrible cloud. It was bubbling up, a giant mushroom cloud, terrible and unbelievably big.“ Captain Lewis, co-pilot of the Enola Gay: „I flew a turn. Then we saw what no human eye had ever seen before. The city was covered in billowing smoke, and above it was a huge white column of smoke that reached a height of 10,000 meters in less than three minutes and was still rising. Look at that! Look at that! My God, what have we done?“ The picture shows the explosion of „Fat Man“ on August 9 over Nagasaki. Fat Man was a plutonium bomb and twice as powerful as Little Boy, the uranium bomb of Hiroshima. One day after Nagasaki, Japan offered unconditional surrender. It came into force on August 14, 1945. The Second World War was over, but from then on humanity lived in terror of the bomb.

Now a little more detail on the man who was a pure theorist, but who became the greatest practitioner with the theory.


J. Robert Oppenheimer

Did the legendary theoretical physicist really regret his nuclear research success? The truth is at least as complicated as the science behind the bomb…….

While he was searching for the trigger for the chain reaction that led to a nuclear explosion, his superiors were impressed by his extensive knowledge and ambition…….

The Trinity test: the world’s first nuclear explosion

„He was not only present intellectually, but also physically at every important step,“ recalls Victor one of the physicists who worked on the project. This constant presence would have created a „unique atmosphere of enthusiasm and challenge“ – and led to a series of scientific discoveries that resulted in the world’s first nuclear weapon.

Oppenheimer was part of the scientific committee that recommended that the bomb be used against Japan as soon as possible. Historians are still debating whether the U.S.-government deliberately ignored the researchers‘ request to only attack military targets or to initially only conduct public tests in order to force Japan’s surrender.

First remorse and warnings from Oppenheimer

On the night of the attack on Hiroshima, Oppenheimer was cheered by the researchers at the Los Alamos Laboratory. “ why ? That is not credible to me, after all he was guilty of millions of murders of Japanese people. The German Hitler regime was quite different. It senselessly „murdered“ Germans of other faiths in gas chambers. Also millions of times over, all because he considered Jews not to be „Aryan“? Oppenheimer then said that he only regretted that he had not finished the bomb in time to use it against Germany. (one of the truest sentences from the mouth of a scientist)
As excited as the researchers involved were about their success, they were also shocked by the loss of civilian lives. … „is not possible.“ The new concern: the weapon could trigger rather than avert wars in the future. A few weeks after the nuclear strike, Oppenheimer warned the Secretary of Defense in a letter that the nation’s security „cannot depend entirely and primarily on its scientific and technical capabilities, but only on making future wars impossible.“
However, he also defended the Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb he had built. According to him, it was essential in order to fully understand the possibilities of nuclear science.

But he also campaigned against the hydrogen bomb

Oppenheimer devoted a large part of his life to his commitment to nuclear deterrence. What others can do, we can do too, and so the Soviet Union developed its own bomb. When the U.S. government then pushed for the development of a hydrogen bomb with even greater destructive power, Oppenheimer vehemently opposed these plans. He called for nuclear weapons to be considered for tactical use only and for nuclear technology to be used for other purposes, such as energy generation.

Oppenheimer, seen here around 1950 with Albert Einstein at the Institute for Advanced Study, was one of the most recognized scientific greats of his time.

This made him many enemies politically – and catapulted him right into the crosshairs of the „Red Scare“: during the „Cold War“, a veritable wave of anti-communist hysteria took hold in the USA. After a hearing in 1954, at which Oppenheimer’s communist sympathies were scrutinized, the Atomic Energy Commission – the central U.S. authority for the research and development of atomic energy – withdrew his so-called security clearance. This excluded him from secret government projects.

Note: The decision was reversed posthumously in 2022 after Oppenheimer’s case was re-examined and the investigations were found to be flawed and legally inadmissible.

Robert Oppenheimer, scientific director of the Manhattan Project, leaves Los Alamos, the place where the first atomic bombs were developed and built, in November 1945: „When the atomic bombs are added to the arsenals of a warlike world, the time will come when mankind will curse the names of Los Alamos and Hiroshima. The peoples of this world must unite or they will perish.“ Yes, I can only confirm that !!! Since the end of the Second World War, after a brief recovery phase, there has been a bloc conflict between East and West: ‼ the Cold War.

Even during this frosty period in world politics, the world continues to develop dramatically. Industrial potential is now being unleashed, which, at least as far as the western part of the world is concerned, leads to the first major globalization.
It is inevitable that the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia will become powerful industrial complexes that supply themselves and the world with goods. As a result, what is called consumption in an affluent society grows out of the basic existential needs of the peoples of the first world. The travel circus is growing in terms of „energy resources“ and this applies to: on land, water and in the air. Communication via cable, antenna and satellite is becoming faster and faster, making it more efficient. This means that more and more raw materials are being processed. I have decided to call these processes the second industrialization, the first industrialization took place in the 19th century. With the second, the Earth’s metabolic cycle will once again increase its metabolism enormously. Because we will consume much more oil, gas and coal. …digging, pumping, extracting! These were the buzzwords of the time. Most of it is burned.

‼. …………………….. co ²

We extract the chemical energy from the molecules, convert it and turn it into electricity, heat and anything else we can use. The majority of humanity uses crude oil to make various plastics that the world has never seen in its long history. ….“ which, however, are lying around everywhere in every form on our planet ‼
Slowly, a feeling, or rather a hunch, is developing that the consumption of resources will and does have its immense costs and disgusting consequences. Society is celebrating the medium-sized environmental destruction, it is just becoming obvious, the sky over the Ruhr area (Old Germany) is darkening, rivers are poisoned, the soil is polluted by over-fertilization with nitrate. I have a serious feeling :

‼ the majority of humanity says, don’t look and by . ‼

I turn to the Federal Republic of Germany, the country of my birth,
where a thought is gradually beginning to emerge in smaller circles.
The thought lives in our environment and deals with the assumption that we may be treating our environment badly. ⁉ ?…… ?so badly that our health may be suffering as a result. The question is a rather sober one: when will this industrial development come to an end? Will growth in Germany, the country of the economic miracle, go on like this forever? Important raw materials such as coal and oil or water and soil are obviously finite. The first crisis phenomena are appearing. At the same time, however, the „belief“ still prevails that this type of growth economy is the only blissful model in the world………..that also penetrates very close to the geographical East behind the Iron Curtain. People in the West know damn little about what is happening there. From my current perspective, the communist countries did not set a good example for the welfare of the working masses either. The leaders (rulers) of the communist states were always of the opinion that they could manipulate nature at will. Dialectical materialism“ mercilessly gutted nature, whereas we in the capitalist West were downright „considerate“.

In the wild East, there were major interventions in primeval landscapes. In Siberia, for example, the flow direction of rivers was changed in order to supply other parts of the Soviet Union with water and to promote agriculture.

‼ Only creatures of the „human“ species can react and behave so stupidly ‼

The Aral Sea (now dry) is another cautionary tale. Back then, its water increased the yields of cotton cultivation. Just behind the Iron Curtain, the GDR mined „brown coal“ on a massive scale, destroying living landscapes.
They had no other sources of raw materials to provide electrical energy. Although the consequences were also known there-that carbon dioxide, when it enters the atmosphere, absorbs and re-emits the earth’s heat radiation. It was clear that this overexploitation represented a major risk for everyone involved. But it was taken. That’s how it was.
Then, in 1972, the Club of Rome report was published, which for the first time pointed out the limits to growth in a way that was comprehensible to everyone and globally valid. It was a warning and a wake-up call: Humanity, think about how you want to continue to live, how you want to carry on. The way you have acted up to now will not continue. …….. This was spoken and never acted upon ‼ ‼ ‼ ‼

BLUE MARBLE …..Once again the „atomic bomb“

The Blue Marble photo was taken on December 7, 1972 from aboard Apollo 17. It was popularized by the environmental movement in the 1970s and is still regarded today as a symbol of the vulnerability and uniqueness of planet Earth.

The Christmas message of Apollo 8 On December 21, 1968, the Saturn V rocket launched with the Apollo 8 capsule from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Three days later, on December 24, 1968, Apollo 8 reached lunar orbit with astronauts Bill Anders, Jim Lovell and Frank Borman. During a live television broadcast from lunar orbit, the three astronauts read from the Bible’s „Creation Story“, a Christmas message to all people on Earth that is still unforgotten today:

– [ ] Nothing more really comes to mind. Writing break ! I could well imagine that the wife of the president at the time was responsible for this text. Perhaps a Christmas wish from his wife! ?
– x] ‼ !Please only read this text if your doctor confirms that you are perfectly healthy. ‼
– [ ]
– [ ] Bill Anders was the first to speak: „We are now approaching the lunar sunrise. And for all the people down on Earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a message we want to send you: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. The Spirit of God hovered over the waters, and God said, ‚Let there be light. And there was light. And God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness.“ Jim Lovell continued: „And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning became the first day. And God said, Let there be a vault between the waters to divide the waters. So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above the vault. And so it happened. And God called the vault heaven. And the evening and the morning became the second day.“ Commander Frank Borman concluded with the words: „And God said: Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in certain places. Let dry land appear. And so it happened. And God called the dry land Earth, and the waters he called the sea. And God saw that it was good. And from the crew of Apollo 8: we close with a good night, good luck, merry Christmas and God bless you all-you all on the good earth.“

This kind of text always makes me sick to my stomach, especially
especially when it comes from the mouths of probably well-educated people! I wouldn’t even say words like that when I was drunk….

No frustration……continue reading…..
….1972 was the year in which the Summer Olympics took place in Munich. Four years earlier, American astronauts had orbited the moon for the first time. The Apollo 8 mission was launched on December 21, 1968. On December 24, Christmas Eve, the space capsule orbited the moon with three astronauts on board. For the first time, humans saw the entire blue planet, the Earth, in the „infinite“ blackness of space. Frank Borman, the commander of the mission, read from the Bible, from the Book of Genesis. [The best storybook of our smallest world :

(Attometer 0.000 000 000 000 000 001m )

He greeted all the people in the world-from spaceship to spaceship, so to speak. This was the very first time that a person had greeted the entire globe and wished it peace. The image of the rising earth, EARTHRISE, is one of the most important images

on the subject of globalization and the Anthropocene, because in this photo we humans saw for ourselves for the first time where our borders are, how unique and fragile this small……. [ – 1.616e-³ ⁵ m (Planck length = smallest physically meaningful length ) ] blue diamond floating rather forlornly in the blackness of the universe. It all began when Max Planck, Albert Einstein and many other scientists explored the limits of the recognizable world without really suspecting, …..nehme ich an….., what developments they had triggered.


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